• Matrix

    In Mathematics, matrix is a 2-dimensional rectangular array which is filled either with numbers or symbols or expressions as its elements & has a row and column 1) Java Program for Matrix Addition,Subtraction & Multiplication :

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  • Factorial

    There are different ways to calculate factorial of number in Java. Following four programs illustrate Java program to calculate factorial of number using loop, iteration, recursion & ternary operator. 1) Simple Java program to calculate Factorial of a number using loop : 2) Java program to calculate Factorial of a number using Iteration : 3)…

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  • Armstrong Number

    Armstrong Number is a number that equals to the sum of its digits, each raised to a power. Armstrong number was discovered by mathematician Michael Frederick Armstrong (1941-2020) and is also known as narcissistic or Plus Perfect or pluperfect number. Armstrong numbers form the OEIS sequence A005188. Example : For one-digit : 1: 1^1 = 12: 2^1 = 23: 3^1 = 3 So,1,2 & 3 are one-digit Armstrong Number…

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  • Prime Number

    Prime Number is a number greater than 1 and divided by 1 or itself only. Prime number can be divided only by itself or 1 and not by any other number. 0 and 1 are not a Prime Number and 2 is the only even Prime Number. Example of Prime Number : 2, 3, 5, 7,…

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  • Palindrome

    For a String if the reverse of a String is the same as the original String, then that String is called a Palindrome String Example : Malayalam For a Number if the reverse of a Number is equal to the same Number, then that number is called a Palindrome Number Example : 4554, 1221 Following…

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  • Fibonacci Series

    Number series in which next number is the sum of previous two numbers is called Fibonacci Series Example : 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, etc. Fibonacci Series in Java can be written in following two ways : 1) Without Recursion2) With Recursion Following two programmes illustrate Fibonacci Series Using Recursion & without…

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accessmodifier (1) Access Modifiers (1) android (2) android architecture (1) armstrong (1) armstrongnumber (1) binding (1) camelcase (1) default (1) factorial (1) factorialnumber (1) factorialofnumber (1) fibonacci (1) fibonacciseries (1) final (1) final keyword (1) garbage (1) garbage collector (1) inheritance (1) iteration (1) iterative (1) java (16) Java Access Modifiers (1) java binding (1) javacamelcase (1) Java Encapsulation (1) java final (1) java garbage (1) java garbage collector (1) java inheritance (1) java keyword (4) javakeyword (1) javakeywords (1) javamethod (1) java multithreading (1) javanamingconvention (1) java oops (2) java polymorphism (1) javaprogram (6) javaprogramming (6) javareservedword (1) javareservedwords (1) java static (1) java this (1) java threading (1) kernel (1) keyword (4) loop (2) matrices (1) matrix (1) matrixaddition (1) matrixmultiplication (1) matrixprogram (1) matrixsubstraction (1) method (1) multithreading (1) nameconvention (1) namingconvention (1) oops (2) palindrome (1) palindromenumber (1) palindromestring (1) polymorphism (1) primenumber (1) private (1) protected (1) public (1) recursion (2) reservedword (1) static (1) static keyword (1) ternary (1) ternaryoperator (1) this (1) this keyword (1) threading (1)

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